Hello, my name is Aimee Castro. Welcome to my website! I’m a registered nurse and doctoral candidate at the Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University. My PhD supervisor is Dr. Argerie Tsimicalis. You can learn more about my doctoral research here: iRespite Services iRépit.
My work intersects the fields of nursing, caregiving, and technology. My research aims to understand and develop digital tools that support family caregiving, particularly for families coping with palliative-stage cancer. The digital health contexts I explore are mHealth, social media, and artificial intelligence. The people I collaborate with are family caregiving stakeholders in oncology and aging. I use diverse methodologies, including mixed methods, qualitative description, and user-centered design, to answer my research questions.
I’ve worked as a home healthcare provider and an entrepreneur. I have an MSc(A) in nursing from McGill, and an MA in Health and Aging from McMaster University. During my undergraduate years, I competed on McGill’s varsity track and cross-country teams (our 4x800m relay team still holds the university record!), although now I mostly jog for fun. In my spare time, I like to test new fountain pens, design organizational systems, and explore Montreal’s food scene.
I’m always looking to connect with people interested in the tech and caregiving spaces, so please reach out.